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Mathematical Expressions

Actualizado: 12 sept 2018

Our pupils used not only what they know about math, but also their imagination and creativity in the design of mathematical games. Let's see which games were the funniest and the most challenging!!!

At a first stage, 3A students made a draft of the rules and shared some ideas to make the games in groups.

Some of them chose to make "lottery, bingo and monopoly".

Others chose to make "snake games"; they seemed to be more interesting and fun for them


They played "snakes" after reading the rules they created themselves.

Look at the dice! made by 3rd A students with recycled paper.

"How nice little cards", it will be easy to cover the operations!...what do you think?.

"Lottery" it was very interesting to see students so motivated, with a lot creativity, with their minds on the game!.

Students of 3-D designed their board games and shared with their partners in a fantastic session of mathematical challenges.

The board games created and designed by the students should fit some requirements such as clear rules to play in an organized way, the questions should include math concepts, multiplications, divisions and word problems.

These directions let children to develop a great activity in which they challenged one another to get the big purpose that was to communicate through mathematics and consolidate the concepts studied.


3 C girls and boys expressed gained knowledge and skills on division and multiplication algorithms through the design of games. They expressed themselves by means of verbal and non-verbal language...Illustrations, colors, numbers, short phrases, and words in english were employed to communicate ideas before, while, and after playing. Written language, spoken language, and visual language became the means for pupils to express themselves!

Mariana, Juli, and Anita: You seem to have enjoyed Mariana´s game. Who was the winner?

What are you thinking, Pipe? Do you have the right answer?

Division or multiplication? What's better? Valery and Victoria: Make the best decision!

Anto: What does that smile mean? Did you beat Gabriela and Sara?


How exciting it was learning to divide by playing! Third B kids had fun expressing their creativity making wonderful games to practice multiplication and division. Experience says that learning mathematics can be easier and more enjoyable if our classes include opportunities to express ourselves!

Children from 3E were so excited when they started making their own board games. They enjoyed a lot desinging divisions and multiplications to make their games more difficult. Students shared ideas among them to create each step in the game and learnt mathematics while playing. (Nota: para ver este vídeo, ingresa la contraseña blogcny)


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me gusto artes

me gusto pintar los monolitos para poder hacer que parecieran de un ciclo fue divertido y me encanto dibujar

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